Ethical Code of Conduct (Draft)
Scarborough Yoga Space Draft Ethical Code of Conduct.
We would like to consult our community on the content of this document. To submit comments or thoughts please email or click the contact button below.

Scarborough Yoga Space
Draft Ethical Code of Conduct (Consultation March 2025)
This document is designed to set out clearly and simply, how Scarborough Yoga Space (SYS) aims to provide a safe, welcoming and inclusive space for everyone who would like to come and practice or work with us. Yoga is more than a mat-based activity, the real work begins when we step off the mat. The below aims to do more than meet our legal requirements and draws on Patanjali’s yamas and niyamas, primarily the teachings of ahima (non-violence), satya (truth) and asteya (non-stealing).
We ask all teachers, providers and those renting the studio to agree to this code of conduct.
SYS aims to do our best to avoid actions and words that may cause harm to others. We respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person in our community.
We will not discriminate against and should actively include all individuals. We actively include, accommodate, and welcome all who wish to be included in the practice of Yoga, Pilates and wellbeing.
We will follow all applicable laws and regulations.
Safety and Wellbeing: We will provide and a clean, safe and comfortable space to practice. We expect all those who use the studio to respect our space and equipment. SYS is a drug and alcohol free zone (except where medication is legally used/prescribed).
Discrimination: We will not discriminate against or refuse to teach: employees, contactors, customers, peers or any other on the basis of: age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, body type, personal appearance, physical or mental ability, socioeconomic status, marital status, political activities, or affiliation or any other basis.
Disabilities: We will aim to understand and facilitate to the best of their ability, reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. This includes physical disabilities, neurodiversity and mental health conditions.
Consent-Based Touch: We will obtain explicit and informed consent before physically adjusting students in yoga practices. Explicit and informed consent can be given verbally, in writing, by an unambiguous gesture, or via a consent indicator. Silence or lack of resistance, in and of itself, does not demonstrate consent. Further, we agree that explicit and informed consent is an ongoing process of communication and agency, and that previous consent does not imply future permission or allow for future physical adjustment or contact of any type.
Appropriate use of skills: Teachers will not provide advice or services in topics and areas where they are not currently and properly licensed or trained. We will not recommend treatment, diagnose a condition, or suggest that a student should disregard a medical professional’s advice. We will refer our students to medical doctors, health professionals, complimentary licensed professionals or law enforcement when and as appropriate.
Integrity, self-care and professionalism: Teachers will show up authentically but professionally. Holding space for the wellbeing of others requires teachers to deliver from a ‘full-cup’. Teachers commit to maintaining a high degree of personal self-care which includes but isn’t limited to maintaining adequate rest, nutrition, exercise and therapies. We commit to professional development, updating our training and learning to the highest standard we are able to maintain.
Romantic and/or Sexual Relationships: Teachers should not enter into a new romantic and/or sexual relationship with a student. If feelings do develop, or if the parties mutually agree to move forward with a romantic and/or sexual relationship we suggest that the student find an alternate teacher.
Cultural Responsibility: SYS teachers and providers will aim to take a proactive stance on the origin and practices from the lineage, style, or methodology they teach. We will seek to responsibly adapt yoga and other wellbeing teachings and practices for students of various cultural backgrounds while also understanding the existence of appropriation and commodification in contemporary yoga and wellbeing, and its effects on Indian, indigenous and other cultures and traditions.
Teachers should listen attentively to students, respect their point of view, beliefs and culture, and should not allow their beliefs and values to adversely influence their relationship with their students. Teachers should avoid imposing their beliefs on others, although they may express them when appropriate in the class.
Consent to Record: We will not photograph, record video, or capture any other imagery in any other medium, nor use such imagery or such person’s likeness, without the express consent of the students, or members of the public who are included in such photography, video, and imagery.
Confidentiality: We respect and maintain the confidentiality of students. We also expect students to be respectful of what they may hear, see or experience of and from other students while at the studio.
Advertising and Communications: SYS will not make false, deceptive, or fraudulent statements concerning: teacher’s training, experience, or competence; the scientific or clinical basis, results, success of services or practices; unusual or unique abilities of our teachers; anything involving sensationalism or exaggeration; anything with the intent to exploit a student’s fears, anxieties or emotions.
Our ethical code of conduct sets out how we aim to provide a safe space for anyone attending the studio. You can assume all sessions meet our above code and where an issue arise, or a provider or teacher chooses not to commit to this code, this will be clearly marked.
Building accessibility
SYS is located up a single, narrow flight of stairs in a building without a lift. The cost of suitable adaptations to the building are prohibitive. Where groups would like wheelchair accessible yoga, we are able to arrange for teachers to hold sessions in other locations.